Friday, April 15, 2011


Geocoding is used so frequently today with GPS units in cars, driving directions on mobile phones and even location based services offered through social media.  However, there are many business applications for this service as well.

Geocoding is taking addresses or locations within an Excel, Access, or text file and displaying that information on a map image or providing the information back into a text file.This has a number of uses.  For marketing professionals this helps display demographic information, customer trends by region, and many other useful things.  For a large company it can allow for better supply chain management.  The image above is an example of this.  It shows distribution centers, manufacturing plants, warehouses, etc.

Some other applications....
  • Plot Customer Addresses
  • Define Sales Territories
  • Perform Industry Analysis
  • Custom Map Server Applications
  • Determine Market Potential
  • Site Selection Analysis
  • Market Share Analysis
  • Perfect for Management Presentations! 
This can be done with many Geographic Information Software applications such as ArcGIS and Global Mapper.  Or you can work with firms like ours to help you put it all together.

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