Thursday, October 27, 2011

Custom 3D Aerial Maps

Custom 3D Aerial Maps

Hyder Construction, Inc.

Hyder Construction approached DDS to create several display pieces for their Denver main office lobby. The purpose of the maps were to provide oblique views of construction projects Hyder completed in Vail and Beaver Creek, Colorado. .

USGS NED and USDA NAIP data were imported into 3D Nature Visual Nature Studio 2 (VNS). Approximately 150% vertical exaggeration was applied and the lighting was moved to an angle that better suited the southerly view in each image. Several low-resolution screen captures of various viewpoints were prepared to present to the client to choose a preferred viewpoint. The client-chosen viewpoints were rendered at 12,000 by 9,000 pixels to TIFF format. The TIFF images were placed in Adobe Illustrator CS for label placement and logo insertion. Proofs of each map were sent to the client to review in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Upon client approval, the maps were printed on a HP DesignJet 5500 on a 7-mil photo satin paper.

Deliverable to Client:
Hard-copy Map

For more information 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

USGS Quad Map Vectorization

USGS Quad Map Vectorization

Penn Virginia Oil & Gas Corporation

Provide Penn Virginia Oil & Gas Corporation with fully vectorized, USGS quads in .dwg format.

DDS obtained each quad in the area of interest from the USGS. We then scanned each quad at 400 dpi color to ensure digitizing accuracy. Each quad was georeferenced to the client's specified projection. DDS used a proprietary process to vectorize each entity of the quad in AutoCad, placing each entity on its own layer. These fully editable, vectorized quads are used by field engineers to map out potential areas for well locations.

Deliverable to Client:
ESRI .shp files and AutoCad .dxf files.

For more information 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Texas Land Survey Data- Texas Land Grids

Texas Land Survey Data- Texas Land Grids
DDS's Texas Land Survey is a seamless, high-resolution database of county boundaries, blocks, surveys, abstracts, subdivisions, lots, and tracts that is ideal for base maps and plotting land ownership and leases. The Texas Land Survey precisely overlays Natural Color Aerial Photography as well as the USGS United States Topographic Maps, making it useful for indexing and analysis.
Data layers include: County Boundary, Block, Survey, Abstract, Subdivision, Lot, Tract, Overlap Block, Overlap Survey, Overlap Abstract, Overlap Subdivision, and Overlap Lot. Subdivisions, lots, and tracts are available in attributed polygonal format. Tabular attributes include block, survey, abstract, subdivision, lot, and tract name and number.
Cameron County, Texas
Using ESRI GIS technology, DDS has digitized the survey lines and created polygonal coverages with attributes and map-friendly annotation. The resulting data are seamless across state and county boundaries and have cleaner lines, layers, and annotation than the original Railroad Commission data.
We offer two versions of the Texas Land Survey data: vector - clean lines with annotation optimized for display and polygonal - attributed polygons optimized for well spotting and GIS queries. This dataset contains complete coverage for Texas, available by County or State.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Google Earth Applications

Google Earth Application

The BROE Group
The BROE Group approached DDS to develop an alternative to paper-based maps for right-of-way management. BROE wanted a simple method to illustrate stakeholders adjacent to right-of-ways managed by BROE.
The BROE Group provided assessor maps for six (6) counties in Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska and their rights-of-ways. DDS scanned, georeferenced, and digitized all parcels within one (1) mile of BROE right-of-ways. The layers were digitized, attributed, and symbolized in ESRI's ArcGIS. The layers were exported to Google Earth KMZ format to be distributed internally.
Deliverable to Client:
Google Earth KMZ files.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Photo Simulation (visualizations)

Photo Simulation
Mangi Environmental Group
Mangi Environmental Group approached DDS to provide visual resource specialist support for the Larimer County Communication Facility Environmental Assessment.
DDS is providing both graphical and textual support to this environmental assessment. Our visual resource specialist has conducted photographic surveys of the project location and surrounding viewshed basin. In conjunction with the US Forest Service landscape architects, identified key observation points and prepared photographic simulations of the proposed and alternative actions for the environmental assessment. DDS will provide textual support for the scenery management sections of the environmental assessment.
Deliverable to Client:
Deliverables include photographic simulations of the proposed communication facility and textual support for the scenery management sections of the environmental assessment.

For more information

Friday, October 14, 2011

Custom 3D Aerial Maps

Custom 3D Aerial Maps

Hyder Construction, Inc.

Hyder Construction approached DDS to create several display pieces for their Denver main office lobby. The purpose of the maps were to provide oblique views of construction projects Hyder completed in Vail and Beaver Creek, Colorado. .

USGS NED and USDA NAIP data were imported into 3D Nature Visual Nature Studio 2 (VNS). Approximately 150% vertical exaggeration was applied and the lighting was moved to an angle that better suited the southerly view in each image. Several low-resolution screen captures of various viewpoints were prepared to present to the client to choose a preferred viewpoint. The client-chosen viewpoints were rendered at 12,000 by 9,000 pixels to TIFF format. The TIFF images were placed in Adobe Illustrator CS for label placement and logo insertion. Proofs of each map were sent to the client to review in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Upon client approval, the maps were printed on a HP DesignJet 5500 on a 7-mil photo satin paper.

Deliverable to Client:
Hard-copy Map

For more information 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ticket Holder Demographic Map

Ticket Holder Demographic Map


The Atlanta Falcons (NFL)

DDS was tasked to create several demographic maps showing the location of current season ticket holders, along with the number of season ticket holders, within a particular zip code and/or county. The map was color coded to show market saturation and the final maps were used for market analysis and presentation.

DDS obtained a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet from the Atlanta Falcons which included a zip code and the number of season ticket holders within that zip code. DDS used GIS to geocode the spreadsheet so that the information became part of a spatial dataset used for creating the custom maps. Some of the final delivered products included a map showing concentration of season ticket holders within particular zip code and county regions, a map showing the average ticket price for a particular zip code region, and a map showing the Atlanta Falcons fan base.
Deliverable to Client:

Adobe .ai and .pdf files

For more information

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Geologic Maps

Geologic maps and specialty reports
The USGS has published tens of thousands of geologic maps and reports since 1879. These maps are available as single or multiple sheets, many of which are folded and placed in a paper jacket. The majority of these maps are out of print and can only be obtained through borrowing privileges at one of the few USGS libraries across the nation.

The information contained on these maps and in these reports are useful to geologists, oil and gas exploration companies, coal investigators and land use planners.  Geologic maps help delineate fragile habitat and ecosystems, protect against natural hazards, and find needed resources.

Some of the maps/info that DDS has direct access to due to our close proximity to the USGS and special privileges.  

Geologic Quadrangle Maps- The Geologic Quadrangle (GQ) Series has more than 1,700 multicolor maps that show the bedrock, surficial, or engineering geology of selected 7.5- or 15-minute quadrangles in the United States.

Oil and Gas Investigations Maps and Charts- The Oil and Gas Investigations Maps (OM) Series and Charts (OC) Series show the subsurface structure and stratigraphy and surface geology of selected oil and gas fields and of other areas having hydrocarbon potential.

Miscellaneous Investigations Series Maps- The Miscellaneous Investigations (I) Series contains mostly multicolor maps covering diverse topical material such as bedrock and surficial geology, marine geology, mineral and energy resources, and geophysics and geochemistry. The series also includes maps of the Earth's Moon and other planetary bodies, hydrogeology, landforms, earthquake epicenters, map projections, and oblique-view maps.

Coal Investigations Series Maps- The Coal Investigations (C) Series contains multicolor or black-and-white geologic maps that show bedrock geology, stratigraphy, and structural relations of selected coal resource areas of the Nation.

State Geologic Maps- The USGS has compiled multicolor geologic maps in cooperation with about a third of the states. Most other states have prepared and made available their own state geologic maps. Many of these state-published maps are available at the USGS Map Library.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Geocoding is used so frequently today with GPS units in cars, driving directions on mobile phones and even location based services offered through social media.  However, there are many business applications for this service as well.

Geocoding is taking addresses or locations within an Excel, Access, or text file and displaying that information on a map image or providing the information back into a text file.This has a number of uses.  For marketing professionals this helps display demographic information, customer trends by region, and many other useful things.  For a large company it can allow for better supply chain management.  The image above is an example of this.  It shows distribution centers, manufacturing plants, warehouses, etc.

Some other applications....
  • Plot Customer Addresses
  • Define Sales Territories
  • Perform Industry Analysis
  • Custom Map Server Applications
  • Determine Market Potential
  • Site Selection Analysis
  • Market Share Analysis
  • Perfect for Management Presentations! 
This can be done with many Geographic Information Software applications such as ArcGIS and Global Mapper.  Or you can work with firms like ours to help you put it all together.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Topographic maps are the basis for most Geographic Information Systems (GIS).  The contour information allows for a map user to understand the how the land is layed out.  This can be useful for any number of users.  For individuals this can work to help design trail maps for hiking, biking and backpacking.  For commercial users this can allow to plan developments, mining, and even oil and gas exploration.  Law firms have even ordered these to assist in litigation.

There are many resources available to download these maps that are provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS).  We provide an online index that allows users to download them for FREE using Google Earth: MapFinder.

We also provide the service of researching older maps directly from the USGS library if a client needs to compare the changes that have occurred in a particular area.  Our Headquarters is conveniently located across the street from the USGS in Denver so this is something we can provide as a convenience for our clients.

Find out more

Thursday, April 7, 2011

CAD Conversions

Often Times, a company needs a map converted to CAD format so that it can be manipulated or so that layers can be added.  This takes a static map and turns it into a useful tool.  Once this digital version is created from a raster graphic, other important information can be added in layers that can be turned on or off to act as points of reference or just to highlight information that is needed.  The above example is of a topographic quad map that has been digitized, but this can be done with any kind of map or technical drawing.

  • Floor Plans
  • Building Plans
  • Elevations
  • Interior Designs
  • Mechanical Cross Sections
  • HVAC
  • Electronic Diagrams
  • Contour Maps
  • Parcel Maps
  • Utility Maps
  • Seismic Data
  • Piping Drawings
  • Well Location Drawings
For More Information

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Alternative Energies

It may be hard to see from the image above, but this is an example of a simulated visualization.  Sometimes the hardest part in selling an idea is selling the visual aspects.  Everyone agrees that the use of alternative energies are an important move, but not everyone is sold on being directly impacted by that technology.  With the use of these simulations, people can get a better idea of the visual "impact" that these structures will have so that they can make more informed decisions.

Read more from our visualization expert Wind Farm Siting and Design Appeal

Digital Data Services Visualizations 

Tourism Mapping Solutions

Probably one of the most prominent custom mapping projects created by DDS, the 3D elevation map of the Grand Canyon is still sold today by the Grand Canyon Association and on DDS's website.  This map takes a natural wonder and puts it into perspective.  This is great for tourists that want to bring back something to remember their trip or just for the many people who appreciate the natural landscapes of the Earth.

Other uses of mapping and GIS in the tourism industry include trail maps, interactive maps of points of interest, or even the use of historical maps to show how areas have changed over the years.

Custom Mapping Services